Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Paris: Montmartre and Sacre Coeur

In continuation of our two-week jaunt through Europe, we followed up Barcelona with a week spent in Paris.  This was our second time visiting the city, so we were very excited for the opportunity to see some of the things we missed the first time, plus revisit a few favorites.  One place in particular that was new to us this time around was the charming little neighborhood of Montmartre.  Montmartre is actually the name of a hill, which is topped by the Sacre Coeur basilica.  While the basilica is certainly gorgeous, the area is best known as a gathering place for artists.  Picasso, van Gogh, Renoir, and Degas all congregated here, to name just a few.

Sacre Coeur Basilica
Sacre Coeur Basilica
A narrow street in Montmartre
The last remaining vineyard in Paris
One of two remaining windmills
Le Bateau Lavoir - the studio where Picasso worked

1 comment:

  1. The architecture there is never tiring. And you photograph it so well.
